Any facade systems can be used on buildings with a wooden structure.
■ wooden or vinyl cladding,
■ plaster on a layer of corrugated polystyrene fixed with pins or on polystyrene on a grid with a ventilation gap
■ tynk na …
Timber frame construction
How to set up? Wooden houses can be set up on a traditional foundation slab or a wooden ceiling with a void under the floor.
What layers of the partition?
A typical arrangement of floor layers above the sub-floor space - from above:
top finishing layer
plating plate. min. 22 mm, insulated from the structure …
Advantages and disadvantages of wooden houses
healthy house wood as a natural raw material, having the ability to self-regulate humidity, creates unique, difficult to obtain in other technologies, microclimate inside the building,. In countries where timber construction is widespread, the statistical inhabitant of these houses lives a dozen or so years longer.…
What is troubling Polish wooden construction
If you want to persuade you to choose this technology, it may not be appropriate to write about the problems. However, it is worth saying, that they are not limiting and should be believed, that along with the further development of this technology in Poland, the issues listed below will come soon …
Increased interest in wood construction
Wooden construction has existed in Poland for centuries. Examples of wooden objects from years ago can be found in almost every village, in every town. However, the greatest development of wooden construction in our country took place at the beginning of the nineties of the last century, when it started to come back …
Frame construction technology
At the beginning of the 90's, frame construction technology came to Poland (wooden skeleton) based on the experience from America (USA and Canada), Scandinavia as well as Germany and Austria. Despite the great interest in this type of construction among investors, companies offering houses in the timber frame system …
Directions of development of underwater concreting methods
They will be improved for the construction of structures in water and in clay slurry with depths found in civil engineering: contractor method, pump and injection concreting. In particular, the pump-based concreting method can be expected to become widespread.
It is predicted, that in deep water …
Installation of the FAKRO window set consisting of two roof windows connected with two elbow windows
Installation of a FAKRO window set consisting of two roof windows connected to two elbow windows in an experimental building.
Roof and L-shaped windows with the following technical parameters have been designed and manufactured for the passive building:
Construction: rotary windows,
Construction of windows:
– …