Depending on the type of drive, grinders can be divided into two groups. A distinction is made between electric and pneumatic grinders. In electrically powered devices, the driving source – electric engine – it is built in at the factory. Dlatego urządzenia …
Author Archives: lore
Designing a passive building
That the energy-saving building functions properly, a suitable plot of land must be found for him. The best one will be this one, on which it will be possible to build a south-oriented house, but do not worry about deviations from this direction reaching several degrees. Okay, if the width of the plot allowed for …
A house with zero energy requirements for heating
There are already single-family houses, the so-called. zero-energy in relation to the energy demand in general (for heating, powering devices, lighting, cooking). They do not require any external energy supply and ensure the maintenance of adequate thermal comfort.
To reduce consumption …
Building fire alarm systems
On fire protection of buildings, other buildings and areas in high and high-rise public utility buildings and collective residence, it is required to use a fire alarm system and sound warning system. A fire alarm system is understood as an installation, covering devices …
Electrical Installations
Building, in which the loss of voltage in the electric supply network may pose a threat to human life or health, it should be powered from at least two independent ones, self-switching on sources of electricity and equipped with self-switching emergency lighting (security and …
Installation of fire ventilation
The concept of fire ventilation is understood here as a system of smoke exhaust and exhaust ventilation that ensures the removal of smoke and hot gases generated during a fire and the air supply system to the zone, in which there is smoke, ensuring smoke buoyancy towards the exhaust points, and …
Calculation of escape routes
The width of horizontal escape routes is calculated in proportion to the number of people who can stay on a given floor of the building at the same time, assuming at least 0.6 me and 100 people but not less than 1.4 m. It is allowed to reduce this width to 1.2 m, if …
Painting with a roller
Painting with a roller.
Wide paint rollers are used to paint walls and ceilings 18-25 cm, covered with natural fur, often screwed onto extensions of various types. All corners can also be painted with a suitable roller: with a special fur coat, with fur shaped according to the shape of the corner, be …
Wood and glass – The original combination of both materials
Rules for smoothing substrates for metallised wallpapers
Please justify, why do not use dispersion fillers for smoothing substrates, if metallized or plastic wallpapers are not to be applied
Metallized wallpapers and plastic wallpapers create a very tight coating. Water contained in the adhesive mass …