Author Archives: lore

Combined and electrostatic paint spraying

High pressure spraying of material under pressure (the so-called. combined shower):
With combined high-pressure spraying, the material is compressed to pressure by a pneumatic piston pump 40-50 bars and pressed into the gun. Due to the pressure drop as the material exits the spray tip …

Painting spray interiors

Painting spray interiors.
Currently, electromagnetic spray guns are used for spray painting, in which the paint is pumped into the spray nozzle under the influence of vibrations of the metal diaphragm. According to the power of the gun, paints of different densities are used. It is generally defined as, …

Preparation of the paint

Preparation of the paint.

Paint, usually supplied in cans of various capacities, we have to prepare for painting and pour it into a bucket or litter box, and for spray painting – into the gun reservoir. First, with a soft flat brush, thoroughly clean the lid of the can from dust and …

Construction of Silka partition walls

As standard, SILKA E blocks are manufactured in very high strength classes -15 i 20 MPa. Such a high compressive strength causes, that when bricking the structural walls of a building with a thickness of SILKI E 24 cm, we can erect even 12-story buildings without additional …



As can be said, whether the plasterboards can be used in rooms with high air humidity, no risk of damage?
Building plasterboards are suitable for rooms with high air humidity, type B, impregnated (abbreviation GKBI). These boards are intended for …

Open fireplace

Open fireplace – A fire is kindled on a non-flammable surface. The exhaust gases are rising, they accumulate in the collective collector and are discharged to the chimney, which in turn must pull them out. An open fireplace places particularly high demands on the chimney. They condition …

Repair of a concrete floor

A new coating will be applied to the concrete floors in the supermarket's warehouse. These floors will also have to bear the load of forklifts. At the examination
on the substrate, a layer of scale was found. Please list the coating steps one by one

Coating activities …

Painting the concrete floor of the balcony

The concrete floors of the balconies are to be painted. The balconies were exposed to the elements for several years, but no damage has been found yet. Please list the steps for applying the coating to the concrete floors of the balconies one by one

These steps are as follows:

1) Purification …

Silicate paints and concrete

Please justify, why silicate paints, despite the many positive qualities, less than others, they are suitable for making topcoats in places of repair and reinforcement of concrete elements

Concrete covered with silicate paint cannot be realkalised. Admittedly, the silicate paint coating is in the condition …

Rust removal devices

Needle rust remover for compressed air
This hand-held device resembles a drill, in which needle bundles are mounted instead of the drill chuck, attached slidably. After connecting the device to the compressor and turning it on, the moving needles are made to vibrate under the action of compressed air …