Author Archives: lore

Template for nailing rails

Template for nailing rails – When nailing railings in a fence, a bent, thin and narrow strip will determine the arched position of the upper edges of the rails. Bend the strip and insert it between two nails. The size of the arch itself is selected experimentally by changing the length of the lamella. …

Freezing water

Freezing water – Water that freezes in hard containers during winter, e.g. in concrete circles, it can burst them and destroy them. We will prevent it, by immersing a car inner tube loosely filled with air in the water. It will act as a kind of shock absorber. An inner tube or even an ordinary balloon belongs …

Digging a post with a foot

Digging a post with a foot – When digging in the posts of garden elements of small architecture, they must be properly secured against tilting and tearing out of the ground.. A short piece of wooden beam can be a good protection, nailed to the forehead of the post and dug into the ground. In every …

A model of a pond

A model of a pond – Plastic shells for small and medium-sized ponds can be purchased in many supermarkets. Such a shell can be made independently from a resin-glass laminate. However, you will need a model, on which the glass mat will be placed. …

Wooden and gravel path

Wooden and gravel path – Wooden paths look very aesthetically in the gardens in forest areas and all kinds of recreational areas. For their construction, you can successfully use slices of wood cut from tree trunks. Of course, when laid on a layer of sand or gravel, they should …

Digging the rollborder

Digging the rollborder – The rollborder enjoys great recognition among those who arrange their home gardens. This is a border, mainly paths made of short rollers or half rollers dug into the ground. The rollers, properly protected against biological corrosion, are connected with a wire. To dig in the rollborder evenly …

A more aesthetic path

A more aesthetic path – Even a garden path of concrete paving slabs can be made aesthetically. It is enough to arrange the boards with spaces in any arrangement, and fill the spaces between them with fine washed gravel or small stones – crushed stone mixed with sand. This …

Flower containers

Flower containers – Among the many prefabricated containers for plants and shrubs offered in our retail chains, it is worth recommending large containers of various shapes made of mesh concrete.. Despite their large dimensions, they have a relatively low weight, because they are characterized by thin walls and bottom. A …