Ocieplenie starego domu o ścianach ze szlaki

Ocieplenie starego domu o ścianach ze szlaki.

Ocieplenie starego domu o ścianach ze szlaki z elektrociepłowni, z pustką powietrzną i cegłą wewnętrzną, wymaga szczególnej uwagi, aby uniknąć problemów z grzybem. Oto kompleksowy plan działania:

Advantages of insulation of the old house

Advantages of insulation of the old house.

1. Savings on heating and cooling
Warming allows you to significantly reduce heat loss in winter and reduce interior heating in the summer, which leads to a reduction in heating and air conditioning costs by up to 40-50%.

Dzięki lepszej izolacji termicznej rachunki za ogrzewanie …

What are the best materials for insulation of old houses

What are the best materials for insulation of old houses.

The best materials for insulating old houses depend on the specifics of the building, its construction and budget. Here is a review of the most commonly used materials:

## 1. Styrofoam (EPS)
– **Advantages**: Low price, ease of assembly, Good insulation properties …

Construction of passive houses

Construction of passive houses.

Important criteria for the construction of passive houses.

As we mentioned in the description of the features of a passive house, the construction of such a house should take into account certain criteria at every stage of the investment. Starting with the selection of a building plot, położenia i bryły takiego budynku a kończąc na …

Passive house features

Passive house features.

What distinguishes a passive house.

A passive house is a building that has a much lower demand for energy consumption compared to energy-saving buildings. The basic criterion for assessing whether a building meets the parameters of a passive house is energy consumption …

Principles of warming partitions

Single-family houses designed today, especially passive houses, they should resemble a thermos flask, both in terms of structure and properties. Means, that they must have a very durable structure, perfect tightness and thermal insulation. Otherwise, all building components must be designed and …

Bricklaying in winter conditions

YTONG blocks can be built in winter conditions, at temperatures below + 5 ° C, after fulfilling the additional requirements specified in the further part of this chapter. The decision to undertake the works may be made by the construction manager or the supervision inspector, who is able to judge the possibility of correct them …

Old substrates

Old substrates

What damage to the old coating, constituting the foundation of the new one, must be checked before reworking it?
Before applying a new coating, the following should be checked for damage to the old coating:
1) Dirty;
2) discoloration, fungus, pubescence;
3) calcification;
4) insufficient grip;
5) scratches;
6) presence …

Zinc and galvanized steel

Zinc and galvanized steel

What types of galvanization are there?? What is the usual thickness of the zinc coating?
Most often, types of galvanization and standard thickness of the zinc coating layer are as follows:


A type of galvanization Coating thickness
Hot dip galvanizing on single items 50-80 μm; already